> 16 Engineers Who Totally Fixed Things | Fun Of Politics

16 Engineers Who Totally Fixed Things

You’ve probably seen a couple of “Trust me, I’m an engineer” memes on the web. They typically show us that engineers have pretty interesting and creative ways of fixing something that’s not working. You shouldn’t try any of these DIY fixes yourself unless, of course, you aren’t an engineer yourself.
1 engineers fixed things
Your stereo doesn’t have a remote controller? Who cares, make your own…
2 engineers fixed things
This guy really wanted to watch this game on TV, but didn’t have the right adapter. Fortunately, he’s an engineer.
3 engineers fixed things
Don’t try this at home!
4 engineers fixed things
What a clever way to make sure your graphics card has proper support!
5 engineers fixed things
You just know that this guy is an engineer…
6 engineers fixed things
This is how you make sure your computer is never going to overheat.
7 engineers fixed things
That’s… genius!
8 engineers fixed things
When your blender’s motor breaks, it’s time to improvise.
9 engineers fixed things
I guess that’s one way to fix your headlight.
10 engineers fixed things
How engineers like to get drunk…
11 engineers fixed things
You’re not a real engineer if you’re not trying to improve the use of energy, right?
12 engineers fixed things
His laptop charger kept falling out, so he came up with a clever solution.
13 engineers fixed things
Dryer not working? No problem!
14 engineers fixed things
There, I fixed it!
15 engineers fixed things
Sheldon definitely wouldn’t be happy with this fix. Then again, he’s not an engineer…
16 engineers fixed things
This is how you can make sure your book never drops in the bath

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